

Welcome to my blog. I hope you find the information enlightening and join me in the endeavors of Uncaged Life. 

The Animal Warrior

The Animal Warrior

RIP Pedals, Cecil, Harambe, Hanako, Teddy, Lucy, Hanno, Black Diamond, Ruby, Travis, Fred, Tweet, Keiko, Shamu, Topsy, Mary, Jumbo …

I was born to be an animal warrior. There is no turning back. It is my calling and my passion. I am the voice of the voiceless. I will not turn away. Instead, I choose to stare their suffering head on, eye to eye, even though my first instinct is to turn away. I take on this responsibility without hesitation and with pride. I will not stop fighting for our precious animals … until my last breath.

I admit this is not an easy role. Every day the internet is full of stories about suffering. The visions of their pain is a constant feed in my mind. I have days when I am consumed by the overwhelming knowledge that there is suffering taking place every second and I can't save them all. It is heartbreaking. My soul is tormented with sadness that I often cannot shake.

I also have to cope with anger. At times, I have so much rage inside knowing that it is humans who are causing unnecessary suffering. I am astounded that this type of evil exists in the world. How can it be that the hand that administers the pain does so without guilt or compassion for the animal? I am dumbfounded that companies rape the land for financial gain without a thought to the devastation they have forced on the innocent wildlife. I am furious that humans seek out entertainment that exploits animals such as zoos, circuses, marine centers, horse/dog racing, dog/cock fighting, and rodeos without any thought of the suffering the animals have been subjected to. I am bewildered by the fact that animals being raised for food are being kept in horrific conditions … that they are born to suffer their entire life. How can these humans look at themselves in the mirror and be ok with the empty soul staring back at them?

The enormity of it all takes its toll. There are many sleepless nights spent writing, reading and researching... trying to make sense of it all so that I can continue the fight. There are petitions to sign, emails to send, stories to share, and words to write to bring awareness. My work is never done. There is no beginning or end because suffering always exists. But yet I endure.

As the sun rises and introduces a new day, I open my heart and mind to being the change I hope to see in the world. I embrace the newness of the morning with eager hope and renewed energy to make a measurable difference in the lives of these animals. Today I will fight harder and longer. Today, I am their warrior.




The Painting Elephant

The Painting Elephant